Friday, 20 December 2013

Task 8 Digi-Pack CD Adverts Studies


Adele's Digi-pack advert challenges the conventions of other Digi-pack adverts. The lighting is dark and gloomy even though the poster is in a black and white effect, the lighting is letting the audience see one side of the artists face but it’s because she is a well known artist so even if we can’t see her face we know who it is. The artist is looking away from the camera which helps to emphasise on the emotions she is feeling. She has uses a different image on the poster from the album but it still keep the themes of the same emotions pain, heartbreak and sadness' which the artist sings about in her lyrics. The image of the album is on the actual poster is very effective in terms of being a good promotional method and bother images consist of a close up images which helps to show the artist emotions through facial expressions. The typography, colour and font is kept consistent with the typography being on the album which makes it relate and connect. From this advert i would take the idea of the dark dull affect. As my music video is about insecurities and pain as well and contains dark shots in a dark room.

Delilah's Digi-pack advert challenges the conventions of other Digi-pack adverts. I chose to also look at one of the Digi-pack adverts of the singer of my own music video so that I get a feel of what her promotional methods are about so that it connects to my own poster advert. This is different to other posters i have been looking at as the others are more concentrated on close up shots of the star's faces. The medium close up shot is the same on her album which is typical of advert posters. However, her pose and expression challenges other shots of Digi-pack posters. She seems to be naked which expresses her vulnerability while still making her look strong. She is looking up which suits the name 'from the roots up'. It appears like she is growing and she is standing tall and strong even though we only see a bit of her. I may use the same title 'Delilah' font style so that the audience can relate to my poster as they did with existing advert posters.

Rihanna's Digi-pack advert challenges the conventions of other Digi-pack adverts. The poster main colour is red and pink which is feminine but it relates to her target audience of mostly being teenage girls. The red symbolises how strong the artist is and emphasises on the title ;Loud’, the artist pose contradicts the title because she is poses as if she is telling the audience to ‘shh’ but the title of the album is called loud. The typography is a single or double space between each letter and I think this is a simple creative idea but make the album look good. At the bottom right corner is a mini picture of the Album so the poster promotes the album visually I would be using the idea of the single spacing between each letter for my own Digi-packs

Task 8 Digi-Pack CD Albums Case Studies

This a picture of a CD album collect of Rihanna including a promotion pack of the album Loud. The colours being used throughout each product are red, pink and white. These are feminine but strong colours. The pink being used makes the products seem delicate, fragile and mainly aimed at females. The red suggest that it is it is a strong artists that produced the album but she has a girly feminine side as well. The colours could also, represent the target audience because the pink is for her teenage audience that she acts as a role model. But the red is used as a strong colour that could be a representation of women or ladies, also it could be symbolic to the title.

I decided to analyse this particular album cover my Rihanna because at this point in her music she decided to become vulnerable and fragile which relates to the song Insecure by Delilah. I liked the fact that she is looking away from the camera because it shows the unhappiness but it still looks peaceful. The close up helps to enhance the artists face expression as well as shows her beauty. The artist is not looking directly at the camera which is calming and contrast the red surrounding her which symbolises the name 'LOUD'. The title 'LOUD' is writing in simple bold white spaced out text, the white is a representation of her vulnerability and it also stands out clearly to the target audience against the red. 

I like the long shot of Rihanna. The colours are consistent and i like the layout of the wording and capitalised font at the back. I think the layout of the wording looks attractive, and it takes up the spacing on the back of the CD, The CD back has conventions of a CD cover because it consists of the song lyrics at the back and a bar code at the bottom of the cover. 

In my research for Albums, I thought this Keyshia Cole album front cover was the best and related the best to the theme of vulnerability. From the picture it tells a story of the artist being vulnerable and insecure but then she strips that layer off and has gained self confidence in the face with the make up. The title of the single 'Woman to Woman' reflects on the artist meeting her past and present. This single is targeted at women so the fancy italic bold writing is more feminine and attractive.

The front cover for the Keyshia Cole album 'just like you' relates to our idea or theme of insecurity because the artist looks vulnerable because she isn't wearing any clothes and it could represent that she gave her boyfriend everything and she was depending on him to protect her . The colours are natural colours and it makes the photographs seem realistic. The emotions are shown in the artist face as she looks directly into the camera giving the audience eye contact 

I chose to look at the back of the CD cover because it holds the same idea of the artists looking away from the camera and it just tells the audience how hurt she is feeling and it shows emphasis on her purity. The artist is still being showing a lot of skin which helps to show her fragility.
The actual CD of the album has the same pose of the long shot of the artist Keyshia Cole which shows that it is apart of the pack visually. Also the golden background colour is kept the same throughout the packaging.

Delilah Digi-pack advert challenges the conventions of other Digi-pack adverts. I chose to also look at one of the Digi-pack adverts of the singer of my own music video so that I get a feel of what her promotional methods are about so that it connects to my own poster advert. This is different to other posters i have been looking at as the others are more concentrated on close up shots of the star's faces. The medium close up shot is the same on her album which is typical of advert posters. However, her pose and expression challenges other shots of Digi-pack posters. She seems to be naked which expresses her vulnerability while still making her look strong. She is looking up which suits the name 'from the roots up'. It appears like she is growing and she is standing tall and strong even though we only see a bit of her. I may use the same title 'Delilah' font style so that the audience can relate to my poster as they did with existing advert posters.

 The back of the CD is different from other ones because it doesn't have a picture of the artists at the back but it sticks to the ideas of having a barcode and names of the songs.